Autocad Extract Text Lisp Routine

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Autocad Extract Text Lisp Routine

Lisp One - By Lee Mac ((defun c:txt2xl (/ fPath fName ofile doc ss) (vl-load-com) (setq fPath 'C: ') (setq fName 'test.csv') (if (vl-file-directory-p fPath) (progn (setq ofile (open (strcat fPath fName) 'a')) (vlax-for doc (vla-get-Documents (vlax-get-Acad-Object)) (if (setq ss (ssget '_X' '((0. I get the 'Length and Height error also, but it will still write the information out, if you will not cancel the command. Here is what I did and it worked. Musixmatch Plugin For Poweramp. Start the command (txt2xls). It tells you to pick the corners. My text is one single column with several rows.

Tip: Extract Attribute Data to Excel. I have a lot of drawing to extract data from and I would really. Convert Autocad Text to Excel; Lisp: Easting. AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP:: Any Way To Extract All Dimension Text At End Into Excel. I would like a lisp routine that can extract and export the x, y.

Autocad Extract Text

I pick the upper and lower corners. It gives me the 'Length and Height error calculation, select two entities in the same column'. Press OK Now pick an element in the same column like it asks you to do.

It returns a height error. It returns a length error. The data should now be in an excel sheet. I just did one column at a time. When I tried multiple rows and multiple columns, it would not work. I have a routine (included below) that takes sets of data and dumps them into two columns in an open excel app.

I have a few others that write to CSV files and whatnot but I like these as they dump the info right into my already formated files wherever I want. More specifically I have sets of text. Line 1 is the part number, line 2 (3 inches below line 1) is the qty. I get my selection set, run through it a few times to make a list of part numbers with correctly positioned corresponding quantity information. I then go to my excel app and wherever my current selection in excel is at I dump the part numbers in that column and the quantities two columns over.

You could easily change this routine to dump all text objects to excel or pick the location in excel to put them. Just make sure excel is running. Hope this helps.