Carburetor Jetting Software Reviews
The first performance accessory most cruisers purchase is an aftermarket. Consequently, the first performance items we compared in Motorcycle Cruiser were. In every instance, the pipe manufacturer recommended a jet kit be installed for optimum power. However, our experience is that only about half of the cruisers who have fitted freer-flowing exhaust systems to their bikes, have also installed jet kits.
The people who refrained from installing usually gave one or both of the following statements: “The jet kit was too expensive.” and/or “The pipe improved my bike’s power so much I didn’t need a jet kit.”. To check the veracity of these statements we contacted a tuner who makes his living jetting motorcycles. Marc Salvisberg, owner of Factory Pro Tuning, builds performance parts for motorcycles. His specialty? The art of carburetion. Factory’s reputation for developing jet kits explains why race teams like Team Kinkos send their bikes to Salvisberg for performance tuning. Salvisberg feels that all riders, not just racers, benefit from having a properly carbureted bike.
Jan 15, 2018 - You'll need some electronics to do it, but now it's easier than ever to tune your carb like a pro. In a time not long past there was that guy down the street from you–that special car-crafting guru who could tune an engine by ear. He was revered by the local gear heads for his uncanny knack for creating not just. The world's No1 Carburetor Jetting and Kart Setup Software! Featured Carburetor free downloads and reviews at WinSite. Download Carburetor Software.
While an aftermarket pipe may make a bike more powerful, making sure the carbs are properly jetted will make an engine produce more power and improve the quality of how the power is delivered—whether the rider has a hot pipe bolted on or not. For an example of the feel of the better quality of acceleration which comes from a correctly carbureted machine, he pulled out his notes from developing the Factory jet kit for the Royal Star. Getting optimum power and smoothness out of the V-four requires three different needle settings for the four carbs (two of the carbs have the same setting while the other two get their own individual setting). Intericad Lite Crack File. Once he had the needles set correctly for all the carbs, he said the bike woke up, producing two more horsepower more in the midrange (about a four percent improvement) and revving more quickly. When we asked Salvisberg about the perceived expense of a jet kit, he agreed that, when you open the box, a few brass jets (one per ) and stainless steel or titanium needles don’t look like much for $60 to $100. He explained that the customer is not only paying for the machining of jet kit’s little pieces of metal, but also for the development time. Sometimes, a kit may take several weeks of tweaking to reach its final form.
For example, the aforementioned Royal Star jet kit took one week to reach its finished form while Team Kinkos’ ZX-6R took six weeks. Salvisberg follows three steps to find the optimum jetting for a particular motorcycle.