Data Lidar Indonesia
LiDAR Online is a web platform to market LiDAR, GIS data under login control and security systems. Clementine (spacecraft) - Wikipedia. Clementine (officially called the Deep Space Program Science Experiment (DSPSE)) was a joint space project between the Ballistic.
This dataset provides airborne LiDAR data collected over 90 sites totaling approximately 100,000 hectares of forested land in Kalimantan, Indonesia on the island of Borneo in late 2014. The data were collected as part of an effort to establish a national forest monitoring system for Indonesia that uses a combination of remote sensing and ground-based forest carbon inventory approaches. This dataset contains 409 data files in LiDAR (*.laz) file format and one compressed shapefile (*.zip) providing the LiDAR file footprints. Note that derived data products including digital terrain models, digital surface models, and canopy height models are provided in a related dataset. The 2014 LiDAR campaign covered 90 survey sites and approximately 100,000 hectares across the Indonesian portion of the island of Borneo (from Hagen 2015). Citation Melendy, L., S. Pearson, S.M.
Ellis, Kustiyo, K. Keygen Keyshot 4 4.2 32bit there. A. Roswintiarti, M. Klassen, M.W. Braswell, G.M. Delgado, S.S. Saatchi, and A.
CMS: LiDAR Data for Forested Sites on Borneo Island, Kalimantan, Indonesia, 2014. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Table of Contents • • • • • • • Data Set Overview.
This dataset provides airborne LiDAR data collected over 90 sites totaling approximately 100,000 hectares of forested land in Kalimantan, Indonesia on the island of Borneo in late 2014. The data were collected as part of an effort to establish a national forest monitoring system for Indonesia that uses a combination of remote sensing and ground-based forest carbon inventory approaches.
Project: The NASA Carbon Monitoring System is designed to make significant contributions in characterizing, quantifying, understanding, and predicting the evolution of global carbon sources and sinks through improved monitoring of carbon stocks and fluxes. The System will use the full range of NASA satellite observations and modeling/analysis capabilities to establish the accuracy, quantitative uncertainties, and utility of products for supporting national and international policy, regulatory, and management activities. CMS will maintain a global emphasis while providing finer scale regional information, utilizing space-based and surface-based data and will rapidly initiate generation and distribution of products both for user evaluation and to inform near-term policy development and planning. Related Data Set: Melendy, L., S.
Pearson, S.M. Ellis, Kustiyo, K.A.
Roswintiarti, M. Klassen, M.W. Braswell, G.M. Delgado, S.S. Saatchi, and A. CMS: LiDAR-derived Canopy and Elevation for Sites in Kalimantan, Indonesia, 2014.
ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Related Publication: Melendy, L., S.C. Sullivan, T.R.H. Pearson, S.M. Ellis, Kustiyo, Ari Katmoko Sambodo, O. Roswintiarti, M. Saatchi, and A.
Automated method for measuring the extent of selective logging damage with airborne LiDAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment. Acknowledgements: This study was funded by NASA Carbon Monitoring System (Grant number: NNX13AP88G) under the title of “Operational multi-sensor design for national scale forest carbon monitoring to support REDD+ MRV systems” (Project Lead: Stephen Hagen). Data Characteristics. Spatial Coverage: Sites in Kalimantan province, Indonesia Spatial Resolution: Sub-meter Temporal Coverage: 20141018 - 20141130 Temporal Resolution: Each study site was surveyed once Study Area (These coordinates encompass the approximate locations of the study sites and may not match the extents of the data files.
All latitude and longitude given in decimal degrees.) Site Westernmost Longitude Easternmost Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude Kalimantan, Indonesia 109.816 117.987 3.211 -2.758 Data File Information There are 409 data files in LiDAR (*.laz) format included in this dataset. Spatial reference properties for the data files are listed below. This dataset was produced as part of an effort to establish a national forest monitoring system for Indonesia that uses a combination of remote sensing and ground-based forest carbon inventory approaches. The effort was led by Applied GeoSolutions (and funded through NASA's Carbon Monitoring System project with support from Winrock (NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the University of New Hampshire, Wageningen University, and the University of Virginia. Data Acquisition Airborne LiDAR observations were collected over 104,000 hectares of forest across Kalimantan, Indonesia on the island of Borneo between 18 October and 30 November 2014 by Jakarta-based company Surtech (The data were collected at point densities ranging between 4- and 10-ppm.