Vhr Stock Car Setups For Nascar
Vhr stock car 2010 edition britannica. Vhr Stock Car Setups For Nascar. Compare them to other cars and mods and see if I can get VHR to feel better in Game Stock Car. VHR Stockcar 2010 Edition 4. Vhr stock car 2010 edition britannica. Oval Car Setup Tips. Dale Jr, iRacing, iRacing Guide, iRacing Setup, iRacing Setups, iRacing Sites, NASCAR Setups, Racing Game, Sim Racing. VHR Stockcar. 458 likes 1 talking about this. Official Facebook news page for the VHR Stockcar mod for ISI's rfactor.
While you are at it, I would really like something that would make rF2 very popular. Real Saturday Night local race rules. Short track racing has never been done for a real sim, other than the original Dirt Track racing series. You practice, you qualify run the trophy dash (if you qualify) run your heat and then the consi-semi-a-b-c main depending on how well you do.
This is grass roots American racing. Bomber stocks-late models- NASCAR series of various types - sprints - midgets and even Vintage FV's. Although these rules vary a lot if you do this even just one way, and put an ad in the program for any paved or dirt oval stating you have this in your game..$$$$$. Do a good convert on the KDS midgets, Big Block modifieds and any Late Model mod and you are gold! You do this and I will find some way to pay for a server for the west coast. If we get a good response from a rules guy from ISI I can provide him with a long list of NASCAR rules that are needed for RF2. There is still a huge group of people that race NASCAR Racing 2003 and I bet they would move over if we had the right rules.
Vcds 11.11 Download China. We did write a server side plugin to correct stuff in rF1 but it is for online use only and still not perfect. Let's get some more stuff done so Modders can start doing more for rF2 as things are a lot more difficult than rF1 was.
I am learning everyday though! Click to expand.I knew the physics or at least the way the car had to be setup and how it handles was very close to real.
My little brother was racing late model dirt cars at the time he first got DTR2 and he said it was spot on for him, though he found out that he could perform just as well with very little tweaking against the AI in that game. He has since moved to sprints and now I am not sure he races much at all, I think he is probably spending a lot of time on his sailboat now as well as learning to be a pilot. As you can see.not one ISI staff member can even address this question, take a look at the servers ISI guys / gals.nascar mod's such as SCE and VHR has kept rfactor on the map for years now, and you can even take the time to answer a question concerning a rules package.missing the boat the fellows.. I know that I would like to start converting VHR to rFactor2 for months now, but there is no sense in taking the time without a rules package even being worked on.maybe if I was from ARCA simracing I would get an answer. I'm actually chomping at the bit for NASCAR mods in rf2.
I've raced all the rf1 NASCAR mods and absolutely hate that none are in rf2 yet. I don't even care if the rules are all there yet. We race in rf1 nearly every week, but that has even come to a near stop because it just doesn't feel the same after racing in rf2. Come on SCE and VHR. How about ONE great rFactor2 NASCAR mod that brings the split community close! Sorry, just a bit of wishful thinking on my part.
Good luck Mike and Dave getting NASCAR here. Tomorrow would be grand.
I really like the roadies, but there is a multitude of NASCAR fans that itch to race each track all year long, however, I don't really see many around here since there's really not that much in the way of NASCAR, or at least a current Gen 6 type NASCAR.
Has anyone tried this mod for rfactor? I don't have rfactor, but I'm testing the VHR 2014 Cup cars converted to run in Game Stock Car 2013 which is based on rfactor and usually runs most rfactor mods. The conversions don't always work like they should though. The problem I'm having is with tires and grip. I thought it was the track setting (testing with Texas now), but I changed some of those values and it didn't improve things.
I also ran some of my other cars from the base GSC game and other mods and they ran fine on the track. So, I tried running the VHR cars on base GSC tracks and the grip/tire performance was pretty bad there too. The AI seems to get around the track well enough, but for me driving at lower speeds with gentle inputs, the car tends to break lose and spin like it's on ice. I'm going to look into the car, tire and physics files and see if I can make them drivable.