Diskcryptor Portable Download
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Jan 2, 2018 - DiskCryptor v1.1.846.118 Review & Free Download. The only thing I don't like very much about DiskCryptor is that it has a major glitch that could render your encrypted system volume unusable. It's important to recognize this problem before encrypting a partition that's used to boot into Windows. Crypt - Free download and software reviews. Crypt Foundation: Protect your sensitive data with this free open- source disk encryption software.
Hi all, thanks for any responses in advance. I have a 1 TB external hard drive that I need to be able to use on both Mac and PC computers. Additionally, I need to be able to encrypt it with a password. The issue that I'm having is combining these two needs. Currently I have the drive formatted to exFAT (to use on both operating systems) but I am unable to encrypt using Disk Utility, as I get the message 'A GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitioning scheme is required.' When I try to repartition, I get 'You can't resize the partitions on this disk because it uses the Master Boot Partition scheme.'
How can I get past this? Ideally, I would not like to download any additional software and use Disk Utility, but I don't know how to get past the error messages. There is nothing on the drive I need so I am prepared to wipe the HD if required. Thanks, Chooza97 Edited by chooza97, 08 July 2014 - 01:08 PM. JohnC_21, I suppose I wouldn't, because I am unable to encrypt the hard drive in the first place. I wasn't using Disk Utility TO encrypt persay; I was just right-clicking on the drive on my desktop and choosing 'encrypt'.
Whether that process uses Disk Utility I don't know. This drive is going to have very sensitive data on it (patient records and the like) so I don't think using TrueCrypt is the best option for me if it isn't secure. The drive has to be secure. Does anyone have any other solutions?
(Desperate plea for help here) •. In your first post, you wanted to encrypt the drive but it stated you needed a GPT disk to do it. You formatted to exFAT and created a GPT partition scheme using a MAC I assume from post #3. If you are planning to use Truecypt, then you have to use a MBR partition scheme. Truecyrpt will not work on a GPT disk. Diskcryptor is an alternative to Truecrypt but there is no MAC version as far as I know.
It also cannot be used on a GPT disk. If you are going to encrypt and decrypt on a MAC, you may be better off using MAC's own Filevault that I linked to. I do not know if Filevault uses a GPT or MBR partition scheme. That is correct. Diskcryptor also has to be installed on the computer you are using to encrypt and decrypt. Edjing Pc Windows 7. There is no portable mode with containers as Truecyrpt has. If you had the drivers of Truecrypt on the external hard drive that had the encrypted container, you would be able to decrypt the container on any computer as long as you had admin rights.
So basically with Truecrypt you could have one partition on the external drive with the encrypted container. It's also best to backup the data unencrypted and store it in an offsite location like a safety deposit box. One nice thing about Diskcryptor is the ability to use keyfiles in addition to your password. This makes is doubly difficult to hack. But, you need to make backups of the keyfiles because if they become corrupted you would not longer be able to decrypt the partition. With Diskcryptor you can also back up the partition header for recovery. So for your situation the external hard drive would have two partitons, one unencrypted and the other encrypted.
Do not make the mistake of encrypting your system partition when setting up Diskcryptor. Here are some helpful links on Diskcryptor.