Tappi Versus Iso Brightness
The illuminant employed in this part of ISO 2470 excites almost twice as much fluorescence as the illuminant in ISO 2470-1. Hybrid Theory Lossless there. Consequently, this part of ISO 2470 is better suited for measuring the fluorescent contribution to the brightness. However, D65 brightness should not be confused with ISO brightness which closely approximates the brightness of papers viewed under indoor conditions. Principle A test piece is illuminated diffusely in a standard instrument and the light reflected normal to the surface is either allowed to pass through a defined optical filter and then measured by a photodetector or measured by an array of photosensitive diodes, where each diode responds to a different effective wavelength. The brightness is then determined directly from the output from the photodetector or by calculation from the photosensitive diode outputs using the appropriate weighting function.
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R457 (ISO brightness) versus total alkali charge (TA) for one-stage peroxide bleaching performed at 70°C for 2 h (reference), 105°C for 5 or 10 min. Cheat.dat File For R4 more.